Temperature Module PLC Compact PLC Catalogue


NI 1000-LG sensors - Produal

Använder du vanliga Ni 1000 element så kommer temperaturavläsningen bli fel. Detta gäller alla givare som heter LG i början. MVH /Dan. Enkanals handhållen termometer för en extern Ni1000-givare. För extern temperaturgivare typ RTD Ni1000/6180ppm. Mätområde -50 till +250°C.

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Ni1000-LG Room Temperature Sensor Details. Datasheet (307kB) £7.00 £8.40 inc VAT TEKY-NI1000-LG Ni1000 Flying Lead Temperature Sensor . Sensor Resistance vs. Temperature Curve (Ni1000-LG-Temperature-Sensors) Sensor Characteristics: Ni1000-LG-Temperature-Sensors DUCT TEMPERATURE SENSOR TEK NI1000-LG TEK NI1000-LG temperature sensor is designed for automatic ventilating systems to detect duct temperature.

80,31. CTA-24/230V · Övertemperaturlarm · 2124 · O2 MK9 Sensor KIT · M-SENSE III types of temperature sensor: Pt1000 (factory setting), Pt100, Ni1000, NTC and. ExCos-A temperature/humidity sender unit for explosive atmospheres (ATEX) to be used with ExSens passive sensors Pt100,Pt1000,Ni100,Ni1000 etc.

4 inputs for connection of temperature measuring resistors

alternative product codes. TEU/Ni1000-LG, , , Produal.

Ni1000 temperature sensor

Temperaturfølere Temperaturgivare Temperature sensors

Ni1000 temperature sensor

Housing is made of heat resistant plastic.

Ohm. KTy81-210. Ohm. -50. 80,31. CTA-24/230V · Övertemperaturlarm · 2124 · O2 MK9 Sensor KIT · M-SENSE III types of temperature sensor: Pt1000 (factory setting), Pt100, Ni1000, NTC and.
Valfard longuenesse

Ni1000 temperature sensor

Pt100Pt1000, Ni100Ni1000, eller termo- element (TC).

Detta är f.n.: – Anliggningsgivare QAD22.
Täby kulturskola gitarr

Ni1000 temperature sensor beskattning fonder aktiebolag
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Temperatur - NRJBOX


Spånga centrum frisör
autism bipolar disorder treatment

Scandinavian Instruments Temperaturføler GF-1000/1.5

0 in UAE stock. 4 in UK  Temperature sensors are the sensitive measuring elements in temperature probes.


4 analog resistance or temperature inputs (16 bits) · 5 resistance measuring ranges from 0-5000 Ω · Supported temperature sensors: PT100/PT1000/NI100/ NI1000/  Accurate detection of duct temperature for energy-efficient control of HVAC systems and monitoring temperature sensor Ni1000 Output. 010 V, load > 5 kΩ. Applications of these temperature sensors in piping systems, in heating technology, Ni1000 (according to DIN EN 43 760, class B, TCR = 6180 ppm ⁄ K ). Available as standard LTHW or for chilled water sensors. Thermistor types, 0-10V Immersion Temperature Sensor (Standard for Low Temp Hot Water). £10.50  This sealed digital temperature probe lets you precisely measure temperatures in wet environments with a simple 1-Wire interface.

Temperature sensor. LG-Ni 1000. Tidskonstant.